Of course, our Ramdan series also lacks some decoration. Do you also notice that it is difficult to find suitable Ramadan decorations? Of course, crafting it yourself is always possible, but especially as a working mom, you don’t necessarily always have the time and leisure to get creative during the late night hours. For us […]
Category Archives: Decoration
Today, I would like to show you a crafting idea for Ramadan that will get your children to actively engage in. This is how you can simultaneously make your own Ramadan decoration and forster the fine motor skills of children. During these past couple of days, we have moved our crafting projects outdoors so they […]
Selam Aleikum my dear ones, I hope that you are well and that you are enjoying a blessed Ramadan. I needed a short time-out in order to reorient myself in my every day life with two small children and fasting. Preparing blog posts at the same time was just not possible. However, now we are […]
You asked me to, “Vanessa! We would like to have more craft kits that involve lots of drawing for our kids”. Today I would like to fulfill this request and since Ramadan just started, I will show you a garland that you can draw on yourself. Inspired by a mandala, this craft kit offers a […]
It is about time to nicely decorate our windows and bring in a bit of a Ramadan atmosphere to the home. The perfect way todo this is with: oriental sun catchers depicting mosques, houses, minarets, camels and palm trees that you can always get as a download option from my shop or you can get […]