This year I will introduce you to another creative DIY idea on how you can craft a Ramadan calendar. Today’s version is even highly sustainable. I am going to address the current topic upcycling and will show you how you can craft your own Ramadan calendar out of recyclable glass jars. There is a special template for the number labels, which you can download here or order at home.

Arabic numerals
Ever since Mr. Milkbeard has developed an interest in learning the Arabic alphabet, I have come up with the idea to teach him more about the numbers by using a Ramadan calendar. Besides, it gives me the opportunity to also learn something new and I think that you would definitely enjoy it, too. Maybe you have the same intention as me or you just like this version of crafting a Ramadan calendar more than the other ones.
You will need the following in order to make the Ramadan calendar out of glass jars:
- Craft template for download or print service
- 30 empty glass jars and bottles with lids
- Acrylic paint
- Paintbrushes
- Fabric
- Ribbon/thread
- Scissors
- Glue stick

Paint each glass jar
Of course, for this type of calendar you will need a lot of empty jelly glass jars, smoothie bottles and other empty glass jars that use a screw cap. In case you don’t make it in time to collect enough glass jars till Ramadan, ask your friends or family members, check at the dollar store or order glass jars from Amazon.

At first you paint all the glass jars with acrylic paint. Remember to also paint the bottom part because otherwise you will already be able to see what’s inside of it. I decided to use three different paint colors. White, dark red and mustard-yelllow. Afterwards, the paint color needs to completely dry off. This can take a couple hours.
Cut out the labels
In the meantime, you can already download the labels and print them out. As I also have some very small glasses with me, I additionally printed all labels again in 50% of the print size. During the final step, change your print option settings accordingly before printing.

After that you will cut out the 30 labels in the size you need.
Using glue
After the acrylic paint has become dry, coat the backside of the labels with regular glue and then press them onto the middle section of the glass jar.

Cut the fabric in the required length
Since not all of the lids have the same color and besides that some of them have writings on them, I decided to beautify them with fabric. For this, all you have to do is take the fabric you want and cut out a square shape that matches the lid. I bought a light-brown linen fabric from Ikea for this.
Of course it makes sense to fill the Ramadan calendar now, otherwise you will have double the work and have to reopen and close everything again. In case you need more ideas and inspiration in order to fill up a Ramadan calendar, then check out this section.
I used a thin hemp string to keep it in place, made a double knot and tied it into a bow.

Decorating the Ramadan calendar out of recyclable glass jars
As a last step you decorate your Ramadan calendar some more. Whether you place all the numbers next to each other in the correct order or deliberately mix them up to make your children familiar with the Arabic numerical sequence, is of course up to you. In any case I hope you have a lot of fun with crafting, painting, decorating and filling up the glass jars.

Best regards and Selam
Your Vanessa