Category Archives: Occasion

Ramadan calendar made out of tea bags

Do you also like to drink tea? I absolutely love to drink a cup of tea, especially in the late night hours when the kids are in bed. It’s also a time to reflect on that day’s events. I relax on the couch or write a blogpost for dattelbeere (literally: date-berry). Just like now – […]

Crafting a Ramadan calendar out of recyclable glass jars- Upcycling

Ramadan calendar out of recyclable glass jars

This year I will introduce you to another creative DIY idea on how you can craft a Ramadan calendar. Today’s version is even highly sustainable. I am going to address the current topic upcycling and will show you how you can craft your own Ramadan calendar out of recyclable glass jars. There is a special […]

Ramadan lantern window decorations

Today I have another decoration idea for upcoming Ramadan that you can craft yourself. Ramadan lantern window decorations They actually look really pretty on the window if they are decorated with transparent paper. Of course there is also a crafting template for this. Ramadan lantern window decorations Craft template for download or print service Cardboard […]

DIY: Ramadan calendar with paper cups

Advent calendar, end of the year calendar. Why not also create a Ramadan calendar? It’s the third year in a row that Mr. Milkbeard has received a Ramadan calendar and each and every time he is obviously very happy about it. Even when me and my husband didn’t have any kids, we had a Ramadan […]

Crafting with cookie cutters: Banners

Mit Keksausstechern basteln | Girlande

Selam dear ones, Not much longer, then it is finally time and we can celebrate this year’s Ramadan festival. Mr. Milkbeard is already very excited and is eagerly counting the remaining days. The great festival! During the first celebration day we get together with only close family members from my husband’s side of the family. […]