Category Archives: Eid al-Adha


Finished sheep boxes

We start now also here on the blog with the preparations for the Festival of Sacrifice – Eid al-Adha – Kurban Bayramı. Because I especially like to give out small gift packs with sweets for small and big guests, as well as friends, family and neighbours, I have prepared handicraft templates for you again this […]


Pinata Sheep

If there is one trend among the children in our circle of friends at parties and festivities, it is definitely pinatas. No child’s birthday party goes without a pinata. Since the parts can be very pretty, but sometimes also very expensive for their average short life span, I will show you how you can easily […]

Crafting with cookie cutters: Banners

Mit Keksausstechern basteln | Girlande

Selam dear ones, Not much longer, then it is finally time and we can celebrate this year’s Ramadan festival. Mr. Milkbeard is already very excited and is eagerly counting the remaining days. The great festival! During the first celebration day we get together with only close family members from my husband’s side of the family. […]